2021-2022 Fall Term TÜR101 & AIIT201 Midterm Exams | Bilgisayar Mühendisliği | Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi


2021-2022 Fall Term TÜR101 & AIIT201 Midterm Exams

2021-2022 Fall Term TÜR101 & AIIT201 Midterm Exams

Dear Students,

Your midterm exams for Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution (AİTT201) and Turkish Language-I (TÜR101) courses will be held remotely via our university’s learning management system. You can access the exam calendar at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BfSS6FpXxuXEc-sB5Jez_NXXmGLGXVjd/view?usp=sharing


How do I enter the exam?
You can enter your exam at oys.hku.edu.tr. You can reach Hasan Kalyoncu University Learning Management System Exam Module user guide at: https://uzom.hku.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/sinav-ogrenciler-icin.pdf


Exam duration, scope and rules
Atatürk’s Principles and Revolution History and Turkish Language exams consist of 20 multiple choice questions and their duration is 25 minutes.

You have only one application right for the midterm exams.

If you have any problems in your exams, you can contact murat.erkoc@hku.edu.tr


Points and suggestions to consider in order to avoid technical problems in your exams
You can consider the suggestions below to prevent technical problems that may occur in your online exams. We wish you success in your exams.

1) Turn on the system at least 15-20 minutes before your online exam starts. After pressing the start your exam button, the countdown timer will be activated and your exam will start when this timer is reset. In this way, you can prevent clutter in the system and prevent possible freezing problems.

2) If your internet connection is disconnected before completing your exam, you will be logged out of the system before completing the exam. To avoid this problem, keep the tools such as tablet, mobile phone, etc. with you as an alternative. Also, make sure you have different internet connection alternatives. If you do not have a sufficient internet infrastructure at home, you can come to our university and benefit from the internet infrastructure of the school. Böyle bir sorun yaşamanız durumunda, cihaz veya bağlantı probleminizi gidererek sisteme giriş yaparsanız sınavınız kaldığı yerden devam edecektir.

3) After you complete your exam, you will see a notification in the system whether your exam has been completed or not. In this way, you can check whether your exam has been successfully completed.

4) If the duration of your exam is insufficient, the course instructor may extend the duration of your exam. In this case, your exam will continue from where it left off and only the duration will be extended.

5) In case of a technical problem or connection problems that may occur in the systems, it is recommended to simultaneously backup the open-ended questions in your exams to programs such as Word.

6) Problems such as not being able to move on to the next question in multiple-choice exams, not being able to mark the question, not being able to see the question, and problems such as system freezing or not being able to load the file in file upload exams indicate that you have internet connection problems caused by your internet service provider or servers. In this case, you can try to reconnect to the internet via an alternative device, solve your connection problem and continue the exam from where you left off.